Site Updates
Change Log
This is the first official release of the site. Check back later for further updates!
To Do
- Add upcoming projects section
- Add programming section
- Make South Island Expedition page have randomized music
- Replace gif background with moving images
- Add some blog pages
- Add other pages
- Create a blank space so when the header loads in, the content underneath doesn't jump around
- Vary the themes depending on the section
- Give audio files better names and tag them
- Add full screen image viewer
- Add downloads for VGM files
- Use cookies to save the volume setting between pages
- Add a toggle between recordings with and without software synthesizers on the analog synthesizer page
- Add sampling spreadsheet
If you would like to contact me regarding something related to this site, then my preference would be Discord if you share a server with me. Otherwise, BlueSky or Reddit are acceptable.
Everything on this site was created by ProjectFM unless stated otherwise. All assets created solely by me are public domain and thus free to use. Just remember to give credit!